Episode 133

Published on:

30th May 2024

Disrupting Canada's Arms Trade - World Beyond War

Rachel Small, World Beyond War Canada's spokesperson, discusses the organization's work to disrupt the military industrial complex and challenge the culture of war using a variety of tactics.

Lately, World Beyond War's focus has been on Gaza. They see their role as highlighting, Canada's complicity in the genocide via our role in the arms trade. Rachel shares details about their latest campaign, Arms Embargo Now, and the promise this moment holds for all movement.  

The conversation also explores the deep-rooted nationalism in Canada, how it contributes to the support for war and conflicts with our perception we are a peaceful country.


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About the Podcast

Blueprints of Disruption
Blueprints of Disruption is dedicated to amplifying the work of activists, organizers and rabble rousers. This weekly podcast, hosted by Jessa McLean and Santiago Helou Quintero, features in-depth discussions that explore different ways to challenge capitalism, decolonize spaces and create movements on the ground. Together we will disrupt the status quo one Thursday at a time.

About your hosts

Jessa McLean

Profile picture for Jessa McLean
Host, Jessa McLean is a socialist political and community organizer from Ontario.

Santiago Helou Quintero

Profile picture for Santiago Helou Quintero